Belief and Health

The physical constitution of your body follows beliefs, and so all of its sense data will faithfully mirror the beliefs that directs it’s activity.

Hypnosis is simply an exercise in the alteration of beliefs and only to clearly shows that these experiences follow the expectations.

The you at the present  is only one probable state of being who then directs corporeal life and frames and defines all sense of data.

When your idea  about yourself change so do your experience.

In more personal terms each individual creates his own world.

The nerve pattern causes the illusion of a present  in which your consciences  appears focused and alert.

In certain terms future events exist now, but they are too fast. They jump over the nerve endings too quickly and physically you cannot experience them as yet

Impulses possess a far different  reality that physicists or biologists suppose .

As you think now past is still occurring. The drag still leaps the synapses but is not physically recorded.

Consciously you only experience portions of events with your corporeal  structure, yet the structure itself records them.

The cells retain their memory, though you do not perceive it, and the body is aware of the so called future occurrence  though as a rule you do not consciously  sense this.

At other levels of psychic  activity however such knowledge  is also available to you but only when you disconnect your experience from the  time  activated neuronal structure and this you  can do through various  alteration  of  consciousness.

You can discover for yourself the other probable you’d that are  a portion of your being .

from ” The Nature of Personal Reality – A Seth Book” By Jane Roberts